Seattle’s Winter Acro Extravaganza!!
Come join us for up to 5 workshops in the Seattle area on the weekend of December 8-10!!
Friday December 8
Dance Acro
7-9p at Dance Fremont
Pre-reqs: None! This is an all-levels workshop.
Come join us for some flipping, flopping, twisting, and twirling! We’ll be teaching a dance acrobatics flow that consists of 5 movements that can be combined into a long, choreographed flow. This is an all-levels event and you can come solo or with a partner!
Saturday December 9
Fundamentals of Standing H2H
1-3p at Gracie Barra in Redmond
Pre-reqs: Solid L-base F2H for 30s. Experience with L-base H2H
This workshop will focus on drills and safe progressions that will prepare both the base and the flyer for a solid standing H2H, including the jump in, finding balance together, and safely coming down. Most of these progressions will be done on the ground with safe spots before taking anything to standing. Partnerships are preferred but if you are solo, let us know and we’ll help make a partnership or group for this workshop.
Fun things with Standing H2H
3-5p at Gracie Barra in Redmond
Pre-reqs: 15sec standing H2H or Reverse H2H and proficient in jumping in and twisting out of standing H2H.
Now that you have a solid H2H, let’s add some more fun stuff. This workshop will be more open to what you want to learn. We’re thinking… inlocate to 2-high or H2H, some fun entrances to reverse H2H, cartwheel to H2H… send us what’s on your wish list!! Please come with a partnership or group already established.
Sunday December 10
Introduction to Standing Acrobatics
10a – 12p at Versatile Arts in Greenlake
Pre-reqs: None. This is an all-levels workshop!
Welcome to Standing Acrobatics! In this workshop, we will cover all of the fundamentals of standing acrobatics, which includes flyer roles, base roles, and spotter roles. This is a great foundation to help you start your standing acrobatic journey or re-visit the fundamentals of standing acrobatics. No partner required for this workshop.
Intermediate/Advanced Standing Acrobatics
12p – 2p at Versatile Arts in Greenlake
Pre-reqs: Some experience with standing acrobatics.
In this more advanced standing acrobatics class, we’ll be teaching some cool variations to side star, back angel, standing F2H, and potentially, standing H2H. We’ll be tailoring the content to what the class wants to learn while throwing in some new moves that we think everyone will enjoy.
Registration Information:
Please register by paypaling Eric (e.blood@gmail.com) or by going to:
Pre-registration prices:
1 workshop = $35 ($35/workshop)
2 workshops = $70 ($35/workshop)
3 workshops = $90 ($30/workshop)
4 workshops = $120 ($30/workshop)
5 workshops = $125 ($25/workshop)
In your registration, please include which workshops you wish to attend and who your partner is, if applicable.
Venue Information:
Dance Fremont
4015 Stone Way N
Seattle, WA 98103
Gracie Barra
2505 152nd Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Versatile Arts
7601 Greenwood Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103